B2 – Completed the drone testing tests

After completing the design and assembly phase of the LESSDRONE, the drone testing tests were carried out to verify the functionality of the remote movement and of the measurement instrumentation.

Third student visit

The 7th of November 2018 the third student visit with the students of the course of Environmental Microbiology of Pisa University took place at CUOIODEPUR WRRF. During the visit, the functioning of

Newsletter #1 available on-line

Newsletter n.1 is now available on-line and can be downloaded from the section Download/Newsletter.

Second student visit

The 24th of May 2018 took place at WRRF CUOIODEPUR, the second didactic visit with the students of the course of Environmental Engineering and Sanitation of University of Florence. During the visit,

First student visit

The 08th of May 2018 took place at WRRF CUOIODEPUR, the first didactic visit with the students of the Italian Genuine Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium (Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al

Launch conference and first lesswatt workshop

The Launch Conference of the Lesswatt Project will take place in March 13 2018

LIFE16 Kick-off Meeting, Bruxelles

The 16th and 17th October 2017 the New LIFE projects kick off has been held in Brussels.

Environment, wastewater: launch of the European project Lessdrone at UNIFI

A team of researchers coordinated by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Florence will develop Lessdrone.

Innovation wireless tool for reducing energy consumption and GHGs emission of water resource recovery facilities.

Development of an innovative tool for minimizing the overall greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission due to aerobic biological wastewater treatment.
